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On or before June 20 annually, the treasurer shall settle with the county auditor the amount of the taxes which has been collected. [IC 6-1.1-27-1] The treasurer shall certify to the county auditor on County Form 49TC (Revised 1984) prescribed by the State Board of Accounts as to the correctness of credits for cash collected in each taxing district appearing on the tax duplicate and such other collections as are now or may hereafter be provided by law. The treasurer must also deliver excise tax reconciliation.

On or before December 20, annually, the treasurer shall make settlement with the county auditor. Such settlement shall be for all taxes collected during the current year, the treasurer receiving credit therein for the amount of taxes which were settled in May. The treasurer shall also prepare and file with the county auditor the Treasurer's Certificate of Collections, Form 49TC. The treasurer must also deliver excise tax reconciliation.